The Next Wave
If, as the fabric from which the WEL-Systems material emerged, I am the first wave, then those who discovered from me would be the second; and those who discovered from them would be the third. During the last few days, I became greatly awakened to what has been birthed. The Third Wave is moving much faster and further than the first two and has already birthed a fourth that I know of...and likely more!
Life is never neat and tidy and predictable. As I consider this, I am mindful of the degree to which I have been aware of water - BIG WATER! - over the last two years. If I live in a holographic universe (which I believe I do) then it may well be that the big water I am mindful of is not at the Environment level but much higher up levels of thinking. It may be the deepening and accelerating waves of a shifting world view, one that is highly contagious and one that is showing itself to have become highly contagious. That Third Wave is moving fast....
As I listened and watched these women in this Third Wave, I was so aware of how they spent little if any time at all looking back and trying to understand and figure stuff out, and so much more of them focused on where they are going. Good advice for us all to consider! They are shameless in their willingness to engage and be seen to be engaging! They are shameless in coming face-to-face with their fear, declaring it to be so - and getting on with it! They spend very little time and effort considering what others will think; worrying about whether they're going to look foolish or sound weird. They're far too busy engaging!
As I consider this Third Wave and what is being created, I find myself feeling uplifted and carried ever further into my own journey! I am delighted by this combination of Fire and Water - and things sizzle!
Breathing is good....
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