2008: The Year of Practical Magic
Wow! I can feel things speeding up! In the last couple of days, we've created two new blog sites, one which launched our new Newsletter format and one that created an interactive area on my website; completed a new article on the notion of practical magic for 2008; set up four new radio interviews in the US; created a new digital master for 'Fully Alive - A Corporate Conversatio'; and managed to still find time for the Dog Whisperer - not because we have a dog but because Cesar understands and speaks to the nature of energy and its impact on other living organic systems (dogs!).
AND....let's not overlook that I had to figure out technology for much of this! Am feeling pretty good about it all and very eager to engage!
The Newsletter - ChoicePoints - is now at http://choicepoints.wordpress.com and
the new, interactive 'Women Gathering' is at http://www.LouiseLeBrun.com/WomenGathering
I'm discovering that I am really looking forward to 2008 and really getting myself out there. I believe in magic - and I particularly believe in the kind of magic that is possible for us as Quantum Biological Humans. Time is passing and the need for us to discover the magic in ourselves is pressing hard against the need for us to create change in our lives.
I also spent a couple of hours today watching the tv specials (recorded) offered in remembrance of those who died in the tsunami on Boxing Day on the other side of the world. Even though I've seen those images so many times, I am stunned each time by the power of Gaia and the forces that are a natural part of her expression. Energy in transformation takes many twists and turns.
Tomorrow, I meet with a small group of women (women of intensity!) to catch up and explore where we may guide ourselves to in 2008. This conversation will be different as we'll have a few women who will be there for the first time and who know very little about WEL-Systems. That is always such fun! I get to watch lives transform in such a short period of time. More magic!
For now, I'll call it a day and dream big dreams for the next one.
Breathing is good....
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