Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The majesty of being the godforce

I’m not quite sure where to start in tracking my own thoughts. I’ve had some of the most potent experiences, in the last 10 days, of my entire life.

Women gathering in small groups, talking….began with the Whispers from Within writing retreat. A small group of women….sometimes unsure, sometimes afraid, sometimes confused, angry, resentful….and yet through it all, always courageous and unwilling to give up on themselves. Moments of fear calling up huge amounts of courage. Moments of resentment calling up waves of reclamation of Self. Moments of love and deep caring for others making way for those same experiences of Self. In all of those moments, our world changed.

I am very clear: on the holodeck of my experience, it is all about me. I am equally clear: the genius that I am called into my life the genius of each of these women…and each of them did the same with all of us. Perhaps what made it that much more compelling and provocative; perhaps what took us out, further and further, to the next edge, was the fact that each of us had been here before. In that, there was great trust – of Self and of other – knowing without hesitation the godforce that each of us already is and - no matter what! - we would be just fine! It was with a humbling majesty that I was part of, and bore witness to, the power of this recognition in its capacity to accelerate opening and expansion to the so much MORE that each of us already is. I was indeed, in the company of living expressions of the majesty of being…ourselves.

No conversation cut short; no topic avoided; no moment of truth masked or denied…each of us was more committed to the truth of who we are than to any social convention that might tempt us to diminish ourSelf and, as such, each other. It was an amazing experience for me to bear witness to what it called up in each participant for her to show up – consistently, repeatedly, with great intensity and without apology – as the powerhouse that she is! Gawd! It was breathtaking!

And as if this were not enough, I was moved to tears on Saturday morning when I was invited to offer the opening keynote remarks for the first (of what I know will be many) Ideas Festival. I arrived early and was wandering around, greeting people I knew and meeting others for the first time, when it struck me: this room was filled with women who had found and reclaimed the godforce that they are, and were now expressing themselves in this world through that godforce!

I noticed their creations displayed around the room and on a table at the reception area. I remembered when I first met these women and marveled at who they had allowed themselves not only to become, but now declared themselves to be to the world. Shameless in their own truth, they were living, breathing, walking invitations to the emergence of that truth in others.

The Ideas Festival was Anne’s expression of herself as The Sun…creating a space that is warm, welcoming, inviting and nurturing that others may unfold into, each bringing their own unique gift to share with others. I remember that moment in the Leadership Redefined – Reclaimed pilot when Anne discovered the godforce that she is IS The Sun! And here it was – alive and well and fully expressing in the physical through this Ideas Festival!

There was Carole’s decloaking in the Sekhmet Rising book; Amy’s CD on ‘Health Beyond Nutrition’; Lori’s CD on “Single Moms”, her Huna expression through poem and art, and her drum; Leaona’s CD and her art.

I looked around the room and there was Sarah, filled with the joy of living her own life as the magnificent woman that she has found herself to be! I saw Kim and Scott, sharing a journey of awakening to the magnificence of who each of them is and what they are co-creating together. I watched MJ and her choosing to create the book of her own journey in her birth language and Lucy stepping onto a path untraveled and yet somehow, too compelling for her to deny.

I saw new faces and felt new vibrations of voice as this space called to an awakening from somewhere deeper than possibly revealed and yet too familiar to continue to deny.

As it struck me who each of these women has become, I was flooded with a sensation of sheer joy and amazement! As each of us awakens to and claims the full measure of the godforce that each of us already is, our world responds. Gaia responds! Our families respond! And each of us becomes more as we give ourselves and each other permission for our own magnificence to express, by becoming that in our own lives.

And so it continues. Life is contagious – and I am very clear: I am unwilling ever….EVER!...to be one iota less than the godforce that I am. And I am unwilling ever…EVER!...to see less than that in every other being with whom I share a breath.

My greatest gift to the people I love is to be fully mySelf.

Breathing is good….


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