Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Gregg Braden, pole shifts and Emerging Futures

There is a future emerging that the vast majority of us are oblivious to. That we are so, does not mean that it is not happening and that it will not continue to unfold.

I recently received notice of an interview with Gregg Braden for Spirit of Maat. To find the whole story, go to http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/jan3/braden.htm#fn and read what Gregg has to say about the current and historical pole shifts and their implications.

For some of us, this is not news. ‘As above, so below” guides many of us in how we see and experience our world. As the planet (Gaia) is a living, organic system, so is each of us a living, organic system that forms a much larger collective (human beings on the planet) that is in itself a living, organic system. From a WEL-Systems perspective, any living organic system is affected by each individual system experiencing a shift which is then reflected at the level of the larger collective. We do not change a collective – we change ourselves and the collective of which we are a part, reflects that.

As I read the interview, here is what came to mind. I am a quantum biological being. My physical body is not who I am; it is an expression in time/space that allows the signal of who I am to be expressed within the confines of a physical universe. The most powerful, transformative exploration that I have ever undertaken is the one that has shown me that WHAT I am is not what I have been taught to believe.

My body is an incredibly powerful quantum biological, organic receiver/processor/transmitter. Like your TV is capable of plucking channel 12 out of the ‘ether’ and converting that invisible signal to pictures and sounds on your television screen, so is my body able to pluck the signal of who I am out of the myriad signals that surround me and convert that signal to the physical expression of ‘me’ in this world: how I look/sound/feel; what I think; what I say, how I move through the world, etc.

When you decide to sit and watch channel 12, you don’t involve your intellect in the process of calling up the signal that is channel 12 and converting it to its corresponding pictures and sounds. You let the TV do that for you. You just wait and watch– and you stay out of the way.

Why is it that we think we must involve our intellects in having the unique signal that we are, be expressed in a physical world? What I have learned is that when I can finally just let my body do the work; when I can just let go, focus my attention on staying relaxed so that my body can handle the rest, my life is a miracle!

‘Consciousness’ is a nominalization. And as with any nominalization, you can’t put a pound of ‘consciousness’ in the trunk of your car. But you can put my body in the trunk of your car.

What if the body is indeed, the key? But more than that, what if the key that it is does not require any involvement of the intellect and is actually disadvantaged by doing so? What if the body – yours and mine – IS the device and THE ONLY DEVICE that knows exactly what to do with massive shifts in flow of ‘energy’ or ‘information’ that is beyond the realm of how we live? What if the body is the device that will access, manage and transform flow of energy (pole shift) in such a way that we become MORE as a result of it? What if the physical body IS the interface between the energetic and the physical, and not only does it not require that our thinking/knowing/choosing intellect be involved at all but worse, it only slows things down and skews them when it does?

My instincts tell me that pole shifts are an essential expression of the survival of the planet itself. Pole shifts are like the planet breathing in…and breathing out. The time between them is like the time between breaths. It may well be that even the breathing pattern of the planet is shifting, and we’re going to be here to experience it.

I sat in the Dr’s office this morning with my 81-year-old mother, talking about Gregg Braden’s interview. She is a vital, vibrant, dynamic and compelling woman. Her age has nothing to do with any of it. Her mind was open to considering that as the energy (also a nominalization) shifts; her body will take care of it if she allows it to do so. But like for so many, in varying situations, we have been taught that when our bodies do things that are different from what they were doing before, we think there is something wrong and we make every effort to stop what’s happening. It may well be that what we’re interfering with is that something is going ‘right’ and we’re stopping it. Maybe there is something right – and as we learn to trust our body and follow its lead, we discover how to relax into a new way of being.

I believe that the pole shift is that invitation to a new way of being. We can go with it, or not. Either way, it’s up to each of us to discover what is meaningful to us. I choose to let my body lead and see where it goes.

Breathing is good…..


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