Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Popping the cork on potential

I read Anne’s blog entry for today and did so with sheer delight!

I’ve had the good fortune to spend time with Anne along her journey of Self-discovery. During the women’s writing retreat (Whispers from Within), Anne discovered how much she had to say and how beautifully and powerfully she could say it. Today, as I read her blog entry, I laughed out loud at her emerging genius.

Having discovered the power of her own voice; and having chosen to name it and claim it for herself as part of her identity (I am writer); she was surprised by her desire to draw. Several thoughts burst to mind, at the same time.

Anne has popped the cork on her own potential! Given that we’re raised to believe that we have A talent (i.e. one gift, if we’re lucky) and that once discovered, we need to milk it for all its worth, while it lasts….Anne has discovered that in allowing herself to discover and claim the power of her truth, it has opened something up for her to experience ‘more’! More is good…

Who knows how many gifts Anne (or I or anyone else) might have? Who knows where trusting the presence of one and allowing it to flow, will take us? Who knows what it all means and what it’s all good for? Perhaps what really matters is that we’re ALIVE to it all! And, because of that enlivened experience, we become willing to trust it and – voila! – the future emerges.

My guess is that in this moment of Anne’s emerging future, she has no idea where it will take her. Neither do I. But I do know that as she engages it and becomes more willing and able to trust it, her life will be magical! And I know that as a witness to it all, my life will somehow become ‘more’. That’s the beauty of life – it’s contagious.

Emerging futures are the delightful, totally ‘impractical and unreasonable’ treats that, as adults, we have deprived ourselves of for far too long. I, for one, hope that Anne will continue to allow herself to be found by her own genius. Her willingness to do so is a reminder to me to do the same.

Breathing is good….


At 1/07/2007 11:07:00 a.m., Blogger Anne T.-Bérubé, PhD said...

The short piece I posted on my blog about my dilemma between writing and drawing was a response to what came over my body when I read your piece " Higher order evens". The parts " my tendency to change my mind on a dime" and "maybe being ‘crazy’ is what it takes to disengage from the status quo" resonated through me and sparked a wave of change. Well due change. At that specific time, I wanted to share with you that I really value having access to your thoughts because they send me into the tale spin of my own evolution. Sometimes reading your blog validates my thoughts but most of the times it presses against the edges of my world and puts me face to face with a wall that I am so ready to collapse. Sooo exciting! But then, I didn't get to tell you that before today, when I saw your posting about my entry. You are right when you say LIFE is contagious. So I am telling now: I am always inspired in some shape or form by your blog entries. They propel my purpose forward. I feel reassured and hopeful in part because I have access to such genius.

I LOVE this ride…

At 1/07/2007 01:58:00 p.m., Blogger Louise LeBrun said...

Your willingness to press your own edges makes it possible for me to press my own.

What is magical is the dance that we do when we are willing to allow ourselves to just be ALIVE, without self-imposed constraints and fully in the moment. In my world, my capacity for the dance determines the quality of my life.

I look forward to more!


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