Testing the Theory: Accelerated Evolution through Expanded Consciousness
Big words. Complex and maybe not complicated.
The way I see it:
* Evolution, consciousness….both are nominalizations. The experience of these things – our ability to LIVE them and not just talk about them and philosophize about them - depends on the body, since the only place where experience can take place is in the body.
* Trying to achieve these ‘experiences’ through the vehicles of the intellect, knowledge and understanding will indeed, leave us with random access to accidental moments, and be both slow and most frequently without the results we so passionately desire.
* ‘Expansion’ requires Space to unfold into – and the first essential space required is in the limitations imposed by our own historical thinking. As Mark Twain would say: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” What we know for sure is that in order for us to get where we want to go, we need to have knowledge and understanding. We may well be dead wrong about that.
* The body is the key. Surrendering the intellect to the body; allowing the body to lead; focusing our attention not on what we are trying to achieve but on keeping the body relaxed, trusting that it knows how to take us to our destination. That’s a tough one! How will we ever get over ourselves if we discover that all the fuss…all that effort we’ve invested in knowing and understanding and being in control have actually been counter productive? The best thing I can say about that is…another lesson learned.
* The paradox is that to accelerate our evolution we must actually slow down…let go…surrender. Slow down long enough for our attention and our body to be in the same place, at the same time; for us to be fully present and in the ‘now’ of an experience, long enough for us to notice what is actually occurring in the body. In order for us to have our attention occupy the physical body, we must slow down. Otherwise, our attention drifts on the outside of the body, either surrounding it or directly above it, and we miss all the directions/cues that the body invites us to consider.
I’m beginning to tire of the sound of my own voice, saying these things out loud, in print and in conversations. Over and over again, year after year. Such desperation for so many seeking to transform their lives. So many seeking to eliminate illness; let go of misery; create lives that are personally meaningful and worth the effort of living them. And yet, even in that desperation, such a great resistance to considering that it may not be about understanding and figuring anyting out. The fear is palpable when they begin to realize that what they already know how to do and are good at will not serve them in getting to where they want to go. It would seem that our mind-numbing cultural conditioning has made it practically impossible for most of us to even remotely consider that maybe – just maybe! – our precious intellects are not the key and may even be part of what hinders success. That is indeed, a tough one. Our greatest challenge is getting out of our own way.
I still remember the conversation between Peter Russell and Marilyn Schlitz at the IONS conference in Palm Springs a few years ago, when they were asked what their focus would be for the coming decade. Of the three things they said, two screamed out: First, to find a way to accelerate the evolution of consciousness; and second, to discover how to make it more accessible for vast numbers of people rather than the relatively few who invest themselves in the study of such things. In an instant, it occurred to me: the one thing that every human being has is a body (as the vehicle for mass access). If every single one of us were to discover that the body IS the gateway, we would indeed be living that the truth would have set us free. With this device of a quantum biological/organic processor, information/energy is processed as speeds that defy even understanding by the intellect. The difference between processing information directly through the body (digesting or metabolizing, which leads to tissue transformation) and processing it through the intellect (trying to figure stuff out, understand, etc) is processing speed!
2007 is going to be the year of testing the limits. Not just in conversation and in writing and speaking, but also in ENGAGING the tough stuff, for results. I continue to believe that all things are possible; that the body is the key; and that discovering how to relax into the body and surrender to its genius will access and accelerate the healing response. 2007 will be the year of applying all that I trust and believe in to the really difficult situations: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc, and other things considered incurable in an allopathic medical model.
I am eager to begin this journey of my own evolution.
Breathing is good…..
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