Redefining our humanity
I love movies – and I love science fiction. To me, it is less science fiction and much more science faction. The difference is just a matter of elapsed time.
Human beings and androids. Each so sure of what they are and so definite in their knowing that they are separate, and that one is not the other. I know that we think we know what a human being is.
When I think ‘human being’, my conditioning tells me: what’s to discuss? And yet I remember an episode of Star Trek: TNG in which Data discovers that his mother is an android. She thinks she’s a human being – not an android being. The whole episode was about whether or not they should tell her she’s an android, since her consciousness had been transferred into the android frame and programmed for a progression of natural decline, to her ‘human’ death.
That’s a big leap – from human being to android being. It’s not a shift within an existing context (like, child human to adult human, or male human to female human, or black human to white human, etc.), it’s a complete shift of context. (like human to fish). And, since all meaning is context dependent, it’s a critical distinction.
Or waking up one day and discovering that I’m adopted…and I’m really the child of a distant and powerful king. It may change my perception of WHO I am, but it does not change WHAT I am.
What if there is another huge leap of distinction – a critical distinction – that we’re not noticing? This distinction lies within how we define WHAT a human being is. What if we’re wrong….or incomplete…in our definitions? After all, our origins were not launched with a manual – we made it up as we went along. What if we made it up from ignorance and forgetfulness? What if there is more to us that we’ve overlooked?
What if we were to stop….consider what we now know from the quantum sciences about the design and function of the quantum biological human and standing in that quantum biological human-ness, reconsidered WHAT we are? Quantum biology, and a quantum perspective, softens the edges around what we are and collapses the limitations of who we are and can become. That is not a small change (or even a big change) within an existing context. It’s redefining a context and with it comes the ability and willingness to redefine how and what we express.
It’s like waking up from a dream…one in which I am so deeply embedded that I am sure, even upon waking, that the dream is ‘real’….and discovering that as I shake off the limitations of that dream, it was nothing more than a long sleep with entertainment! The new science is the shaking that will allow us to wake from a slumber of limitation, stand in a new place and reconsider all that we have held as ‘real, true and fact’ about being human.
I continue to seek, within myself, the metaphor/story/analogy that will cause the jarring in the body that seems to be essential to that awakening. Maybe it’s just around the corner of my next thought…..
Breathing is good…..
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