Once again, my life was filled with magic and miracles! As I moved from one day to the next through ITS and RIA, I found myself marvelling at my life.
I have created a life that calls to me the people who desire to discover the 'more' that they instinctively know they are.
My life is filled with men and women who have courage befitting the size of their curiosity.
Every day, I get to wonder - in the good company of others on a similar journey - just how good my life can become.
And to think I've been living like this for almost 20 years.....
I don't know what tomorrow brings but I do know this: I wake up every day and remind myself that I am the godforce expressing in a physical world - and how does that godforce want to live today? The answer always comes and when I engage it, my life expands. It really is that simple.
In this, my last experience of ITS and RIA, the Emerging Futures conversation was very present and intense. It has become very clear to me that is where my future lies. These last 10 days have shown me, yet again, the acceleration that comes with just stepping into this conversation and trusting that we are all 'up to it'. I believe that without exception, every one in the ITS/RIA intensives was propelled forward for having done so.
More will be coming on Evolution by Intention and Emerging Futures. More is already beginning to take shape for my experience of Huna relative to both these notions. I have already begun to re-organize my material for the Huna book and will begin work to complete it in September.
During the ITS experience, new guided mediations came into being. Poof! Just like that! I will be spending much of the month of August recording (guided meditations, a CD series for ITS, etc.) except for the week that I'll be spending in Alaska. That will be an interesting time for me for many reasons, not the least of which is that I have promised myself that I will leave my laptop at home. YIKES! Did I say that?!?!?!?! No email! No writing! Just me and time to do nothing. Hmmm.....
Tomorrow, IWI begins. Will this, too, be my last one? I'm not sure and won't really know until closer to the time of the next one. This I do know for sure: those who are gathering will be what is required to raise the bar on the next one...and so on. Whatever it brings, I'm not only ready but most willing to engage.
One stray thought: today, I turned on CBC just long enough to hear a short piece on a study done on journalists and reporting. Long story - short version : no wonder we feel like we're nuts! Almost 90% (89.9 to be exact) of what appears in major print, tv and radio is shaped by the appropriate spin doctors and regurgitated by media. Is there any wonder that in the face of what is often presented to us as 'answers' our bodies are screaming at us that we're asking the wrong questions???
Should be an incredible week!
Breathing is good....
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