Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Telling the truth

Today, I got into a conversation about truth. Knowing the truth. Telling the truth. Being willing to act on the truth. On the surface, a seemingly simple and straightforward conversation. But there is always more….

We think we’re telling the truth when what we say is accurate. I find myself wondering: how often do we tell the truth by saying things that are accurate but completely inauthentic?

Truth (about something) that is accurate will make you right. Truth (about yourself) that is authentic will make you grow.

Breathing is good….


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