Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Can nurture and leverage share a life?

I’m in my car heading for the office when all of a sudden it occurs to me why so many women don’t live the lives they desire. They keep trying to do it alone.

I’ve often said that women are culturally conditioned to be the caretakers of the relationships while men are culturally conditioned to be the caretakers of the tasks. Women take care of people – men take care of business.

Over time, this has resulted in women seeking the company of other women for support for themselves as they tend to being the support of others. They seek the company of other women to be comforted in difficult times and/or to share in moments of joy and delight. Men, on the other hand, do no such thing. Men seek the company of other men to leverage what they want to create. Men effectively use each other to get what they want in the world – sometimes with mutual benefit, and sometimes not.

I find myself wondering: is it possible for women to seek the company of other women to leverage what they want to create without sacrificing their desire for relationship?

In my work, I have often spoken to others about co-creation. One of the first things I believe is that you cannot co-create with another person if you have not created. I believe that we must first show up for our own lives before we can bring that life into co-creation with the life of another. That we do things with others does not necessarily mean that we are co-creating.

I also believe strongly that there is no need for me to sacrifice or in any way diminish my intention in order to synergistically support you in yours. There are many ways and places where some aspect of my intention will have an overlap with some aspect of your intention – and in that moment, there lies the opportunity for us to co-create in some way. Nothing of me is diminished, nothing of you is diminished and from the willingness to co-create in that place of shared intention, we both become more.

Many women seem to have an aversion to saying what they want and being willing to become the heat-seeking missile to find that ‘other’ whose intention is synergistic with their own. And perhaps that is where the biggest difference lies.

In finding that other with a synergistic intention, it is not about using someone – it is about engaging openly, directly and in a compelling way with someone who is also on that same journey but perhaps a different path. Shared interests; shared intention; shared results.

As I engage with one person in this way for one expression of co-creation, who knows what else will come from this engaging? In that moment, an emerging future presents itself to be embraced… or not. Life gets bigger, faster and begins to express outside of me what moves so compellingly inside of me.

* In a holographic universe, multiple realities can co-exist simultaneously. That means that you can live your creations, I can live mine, Mary can live hers and so on. And they can all unfold in the same expression of physical space/time. The physical never limits the metaphysical, meaning that physical space can never limit intention/imagination/creativity.

* You can create what is meaningful to you and when the time is right and as you share that with me and others, I can consider that and notice where your intention is synergistic with my intention and in that slice of potential, I can engage with you directly. I can also engage with you indirectly by knowing that your intention and mine share a higher intention, making it very easy for me to encourage the people I come in contact with who are looking for you to find you

* Co-creation does not require that we be in each others pockets! It means that you get to be you, I get to be me and without any compromise (with compromise being an old model of the world) we can dance together when we desire to and not dance together when we no longer want to without the need to make each other wrong/bad/less than.

* My experience of powerful women who have not yet claimed that in themselves is that they resent other powerful women who have, just because they have. These latter are a constant reminder to those still in hiding of who they are not allowing themselves to be... and are hiding from the world.

More thoughts flow…. but these are for another day.

Breathing is good…..


At 1/26/2007 07:36:00 a.m., Blogger Lori Walton said...

What a fantastic entry to be reading at the beginning of my day. Lots of awareness on my scalp as I read.

This week I've been having a lot of conversations about the "Cost of Collusion" from the Women and Power Series you did.

For me the clarity really came when I realized my own power and capabilities of being the force that directions my life, creating my future.

As I relax into that more and more, the feelings I held of competitiveness, of someone being "higher up" than me, seem to fall away.

I know that as I grow and create things in my life that are meaningful to me, I can do so with others if it is mutually beneficial or not... no bad feelings, life is good.

My feeling for me is, as I create the space in my life, more and more women (and men) who are of like mind will come in and co-create and/or offer ideas or invitations to grow.

I am excited about the future I will be manifesting and the people I will be calling up on my holodeck.

Life as always is good... and it get's better every minute of the day.

At 1/26/2007 09:53:00 a.m., Blogger Anne T.-Bérubé, PhD said...

What I feel when I read Louise's posting and your comment Lori is that I needed to recognize that I was a powerful women in order for me to be able to work with and/or co-create with other women. That no matter what people say or think, it won't change the signal that is my higher self, therefore the vision that I hold for my life.

That being said, I see the importance of working together. This web of life which a portion of it is my hollodeck has an intelligence that I can't always understand or foresee but I can observe and be attentive to it's manifestations while I am following my Way.

The multidimensional aspect of it all blows my mind and faced with this tremendous intelligence, which is me, I can only trust it... and a future emerges.

I am convinced now that the paradigm shift is accelerating. I can feel a huge awakening, in my self. I feel the urgency even more.


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