Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wake-up Call

Can it be? The month of January is already gone! How did that happen….and where did it all go? Lately, it seems that I take a breath and when I exhale, I discover that a week has gone by. I am noticing acceleration in many ways and at many levels.

As much as I experience today as a flat kind of day, these moments are not unfamiliar to me. Somewhere in my experience, I am reminded that they are often the precursor to a huge shift in perspective that opens up new conduits for accelerated change. Once again, that restlessness is tugging at…something!...for me to pay attention to. I also know that in the emerging future that is in flow, all I need to do is allow and it will come in its time – and not a nanosecond sooner or later.

In this ‘flatness’, I am drawn to do ‘flat’ things – like clean out my inbox, delete junk, catch up on long overdue responses, etc. Trying to force the birth of a new creation (i.e. an article, book, experience, etc.) is like thinking that if I hold my breath and push hard, the baby will come now rather than on its own schedule. I tried that once- it didn’t work then, either.

As part of the magic of the mundane, I found this note to myself – written so long ago I can’t even remember having written it. And yet, it was a startling reminder to me of what holds meaning for me, in my life. Funny how that happens…..

I wrote:

“It is my desire to create a self-sustaining, global WEL-Systems community. To do this, there must be others - highly contagious and unflinching in the contagion of who they are and how they move through the world. Each, in his/her own way, becomes a beacon – a signal of invitation - to attract others who are seeking to find a more powerful way to move through the world.

These are the people who shape their world and profoundly affect all with whom they come in contact. They are shameless....relentless....fearless....and filled with the deep and abiding trust in themselves, their world and their ability to move through it with grace, power and elegance. No longer apologetic for who they are, their presence alone is enough to awaken and invite the ‘more’ that each of us harbors deep within.

That means that those who come into my framework are those who seek to bring the contagion of who they are into their world - not just for their own coaching/evolution but with the mindful intention of infecting others, always aware that without hospitable ground, the thought virus that they are will not take hold. Inside, the voice they hear reminds them: ‘I’m only looking for the people who are looking for me.”

It is never about forcing change on anyone. It is about creating a vibrant, growing organic collective of those for whom change is an essential expression of their LifeForce.”

As I read this, something inside me stirs. It is as if I’ve been napping…and this is my wake-up call. And as I write these words, I know – it’s time.

Breathing is good…..

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Vibrations from the deep

It would seem that Lori, Anne and I are in some kind of mutually-expanding dance, today. For me, it begins as believing in myself...my Self...no matter what, and leads to BEING MySelf no matter what. When I am clear that I AM, what is there to believe in? It boils down to one single expression: ENGAGE

Over the years, I've discovered that it's easy for me to believe in mySelf when things are going well/easily/comfortably. But what has always made the difference is continuing to BE mySelf when things went 'wrong'; when others shook their heads and slowly moved away; when the little voice in my head, berating me for being stupid/thick/unrealistic/naive/etc., would not cease. What shaped my world was to BE mySelf even when the compelling force of my cultural conditioning pressed for stopping... apologizing... hiding... redicrecting myself...and coming, once again, to 'know my place'; to BE mySelf in those moments when the flame flickered and seemed slowly to suffocate as I was pulled to enter into the deep sleep of my conditioned thoughts.

Through all this, in BEING mySelf, none of it was hidden. It was there for all to see (if they could find the courage to look) as I lived my private confusion/uncertainty/chaos in a public world. The magnificence of my imperfection IS what's perfect!

In that moment, I found a deeper sound much lower in my body that was not words, but a vibration. What comes to mind is the vibration of something massive...something immensely powerful... unstoppable... moving steadily forward.

That vibration was/is that I AM.... that the godforce that I am IS.... and that my future is emerging with its greatest focus and deepest intent.

All I ever have to do is breathe... BE mySelf.... and allow myself to be guided by this vibration. Just keep moving forward, one step leading the way and making possible the next. ENGAGE. Live! Claim the moment and let it claim me.

It's not complicated - and in a holographic universe...MY universe....it will be as I know it will be.

Breathing (really) is good

Women Awakening: How can we tell?

Yesterday, I spent much of my day with a small group of women who are determined to live their own lives – fully and now!

This second offering of the new half-day event that I’ve called ‘Women Awakening’ has already morphed into something very different from the December event; and from yesterday, I can feel the shifts already in flow for the next one. It is indeed, a living thing.

It’s a simple question: am I awake or am I asleep? And yet, how often do we even bother to wonder? Unless I’m willing to check in from time-to-time, I may completely miss a decade of my life in the mindless sleepwalk of habituation.

Am I awake or am I asleep? Am I choosing or just reacting? Do I pause before I do/don’t do or do I just trundle along? And when was the last time I even noticed?

December’s half-day had a PowerPoint presentation at its core. As interesting as it was, and as important as the content/material might be, it left me (and how I feel about it is important for me and my own evolution) feeling empty in some way. Great women. Great conversations – and still, something missing.

Yesterday, the PowerPoint presentation was gone. It’s not who I am – nor does it create what is meaningful to me. It has proven to be an interesting metaphor. How can I use a PowerPoint presentation (which draws their attention to something outside of themselves) to encourage people to go inside themselves? Yesterday’s conversation led to looking inside, given that there was just us, in conversation with each other.

As I read Lori’s blog today, the thought that comes to me is yet again that of ‘How willing am I to ask myself about awake/asleep? How awake am I to the truth of who I am…whether anyone else sees what I see, or not? How willing am I to believe in myself when others may not? And how willing am I to have it not matter whether anyone else does or doesn’t….believe in me? When it no longer matters, the ‘click’ inside happens and life changes profoundly. The freedom to just BE and ENGAGE fills all the little places and spaces where before, the need for permission had its roots. Without those roots, ‘permission’ has no strength in my life.

As much as I was unsure about continuing with the Women Awakening experience, I am clear that the next one will only gain strength in its expression to discover: am I awake or am I asleep?

I matter… and you matter….but only when and because we say so.

Breathing is good…..

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Can nurture and leverage share a life?

I’m in my car heading for the office when all of a sudden it occurs to me why so many women don’t live the lives they desire. They keep trying to do it alone.

I’ve often said that women are culturally conditioned to be the caretakers of the relationships while men are culturally conditioned to be the caretakers of the tasks. Women take care of people – men take care of business.

Over time, this has resulted in women seeking the company of other women for support for themselves as they tend to being the support of others. They seek the company of other women to be comforted in difficult times and/or to share in moments of joy and delight. Men, on the other hand, do no such thing. Men seek the company of other men to leverage what they want to create. Men effectively use each other to get what they want in the world – sometimes with mutual benefit, and sometimes not.

I find myself wondering: is it possible for women to seek the company of other women to leverage what they want to create without sacrificing their desire for relationship?

In my work, I have often spoken to others about co-creation. One of the first things I believe is that you cannot co-create with another person if you have not created. I believe that we must first show up for our own lives before we can bring that life into co-creation with the life of another. That we do things with others does not necessarily mean that we are co-creating.

I also believe strongly that there is no need for me to sacrifice or in any way diminish my intention in order to synergistically support you in yours. There are many ways and places where some aspect of my intention will have an overlap with some aspect of your intention – and in that moment, there lies the opportunity for us to co-create in some way. Nothing of me is diminished, nothing of you is diminished and from the willingness to co-create in that place of shared intention, we both become more.

Many women seem to have an aversion to saying what they want and being willing to become the heat-seeking missile to find that ‘other’ whose intention is synergistic with their own. And perhaps that is where the biggest difference lies.

In finding that other with a synergistic intention, it is not about using someone – it is about engaging openly, directly and in a compelling way with someone who is also on that same journey but perhaps a different path. Shared interests; shared intention; shared results.

As I engage with one person in this way for one expression of co-creation, who knows what else will come from this engaging? In that moment, an emerging future presents itself to be embraced… or not. Life gets bigger, faster and begins to express outside of me what moves so compellingly inside of me.

* In a holographic universe, multiple realities can co-exist simultaneously. That means that you can live your creations, I can live mine, Mary can live hers and so on. And they can all unfold in the same expression of physical space/time. The physical never limits the metaphysical, meaning that physical space can never limit intention/imagination/creativity.

* You can create what is meaningful to you and when the time is right and as you share that with me and others, I can consider that and notice where your intention is synergistic with my intention and in that slice of potential, I can engage with you directly. I can also engage with you indirectly by knowing that your intention and mine share a higher intention, making it very easy for me to encourage the people I come in contact with who are looking for you to find you

* Co-creation does not require that we be in each others pockets! It means that you get to be you, I get to be me and without any compromise (with compromise being an old model of the world) we can dance together when we desire to and not dance together when we no longer want to without the need to make each other wrong/bad/less than.

* My experience of powerful women who have not yet claimed that in themselves is that they resent other powerful women who have, just because they have. These latter are a constant reminder to those still in hiding of who they are not allowing themselves to be... and are hiding from the world.

More thoughts flow…. but these are for another day.

Breathing is good…..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fighting for our health will kill us

I’ve noticed lately, on my drives to and from the office, lots of talk on radio about ‘fighting’ disease and ‘battling with’ disease. The frequency of it has startled me, not only in the references to our need to fight for health but also in the seemingly entrenched view that fighting is indeed, essential to wellness.

That is not my experience. Over the 20+ years of working with others (many of whom have been seriously ill with a wide range of chronic, degenerative dis-eases), fighting/battling was never the approach that brought a return to wellness.

It was always more about listening; about changing our perception of just what the dis-ease was aobut; about discovering how to perceive and decode the message that the body was trying to send through what we call ‘disease’ or ‘breakdown’ of the body. Without exception, when the intelligence of the message was digested or metabolized by the body, the dis-ease disappeared. For most people, this experience falls into the category of ‘magic’ – and yet, it is nothing more than good science.

Just because something is unusual, different or unexpected, it does not mean that we must brace for battle. On the contrary, ‘battling’ dis-ease only adds to the stress of the dis-ease itself. Battling demands bracing against – and it also demands fear.

A fear response in the body will collapse potential, not expand it. An attitude of curiosity, coupled with the willingness to invest ourselves in our own potential, allows things to open and expand. In that moment, information flows, the ‘wave’ moves through the body and in its movement, life has already changed who we are.

Battling dis-ease presupposes that what is there is bad, unwanted, invasive and an intrusion on what we believe we should be. One thing I know for sure about that: we’re wrong. How unfortunate it is that we’re willing to die to be right about it.

Breathing is good…..

Monday, January 22, 2007


In my world, it’s all about metaphors in a holographic universe. My very life itself is a metaphor for how I live. I sometimes wonder: am I paying attention?

Today, I spoke with a close friend who is being pursued relentlessly by chaos in her life. We talk… she ponders… and I wonder: where am I being relentlessly pursued by chaos in my life? It may not look like hers or sound like hers, but I can be sure that it’s there. I’m paying attention.

Today, as I read Lori Walton’s (www.loriwalton.blogspot.com) blog entry of her recent gathering in Halifax, I found myself wondering: how is this about me? Lori’s capacity to ENGAGE and just be herself brought magic into that room, into that conversation and into their lives. Once again, I’m paying attention.

We’re taught to look ‘out there’ – to an external reference – to determine our results and hence, our worth. We’re taught to focus on the power of the intellect; the importance of knowledge and content; the value of credentials, initials and labels. And yet, no one teaches us where the magic is. This, we learn by living, loving and being willing to be ourselves.

When we share ourselves with others; when we become willing to allow others to penetrate the veneer and really see us; when we dare to be excited by our own creations and delight in the joy of being ourselves, the world breathes more deeply and expands.

What matters most is that I look inside myself….where I live…for my questions, my answers and, most importantly, the power of this moment. In my world, it’s all that matters.

Breathing is good…..

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Empty Nest-itis?

Today, I am very aware of an impending shift in being 'mother'. My sons have gone for the week, eagerly and happily looking forward to their holiday in the Caribbean with their father, sisters and grandmother. Much laughter as we drove to the rendez-vous point to gather for the limo ride to the airport.

I have no memory of my sons being away without me. It's not that they've not travelled without me; and it's not that I've not travelled without them. This is the first time that they have been off continent without me. It's a long swim home!

This week, I get to try on how it will feel when they have both decided it's time to feather their own nests. Perhaps having their own nest does not mean that mine will be empty. It will just be different.

I think of what fine young men they have become - funny, careing, compassionate, think for themselves, smart - I am blessed that not only do I love them, I like who they have become as people. I ponder for a moment... and know....that I am a lucky woman.

Breathing is good....

Friday, January 19, 2007

Telling the truth

Today, I got into a conversation about truth. Knowing the truth. Telling the truth. Being willing to act on the truth. On the surface, a seemingly simple and straightforward conversation. But there is always more….

We think we’re telling the truth when what we say is accurate. I find myself wondering: how often do we tell the truth by saying things that are accurate but completely inauthentic?

Truth (about something) that is accurate will make you right. Truth (about yourself) that is authentic will make you grow.

Breathing is good….

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Opening my eyes

For me, it’s really not complicated: I am the lifeforce/godforce in expression in a physical universe – and so is everyone else. I am the expression of Life, itself, and not a vessel for it or a conduit for it. I am IT. Why is it so difficult for us to get this one?

Memories of so many programs… putting my hands under the fabric covering the table top and having my right hand ‘tent’ the fabric in one place and my left hand tent it in another place, each hand seemingly visibly separate and different from the other….and yet, both expressions of the same fabric. Life! That fabric is Life itself, and those apparently separate hands are individual expressions of that same Life!

We’re taught two things – regardless of where or when we’re born – and they are: 1) there is a god and 2) we’re not it. Ground into our little brains and bodies, day after day after day; often backed up with emotional (shame/humiliation) and physical (spanking/yanking/slapping, et) pain is that this god is often punitive; that we don’t measure up; and that we must be sure to please him and be sure not to annoy him. Know what he wants and just comply.

This trains us to live always seeking some authority outside of ourselves: parents, teacher, doctor, priest/minister, etc. Someone to ensure that we pause…and look to for a reaction… before daring to take a step or wrap our hand around anything or engage any expression of life. Not daring to move without first checking with an authority – an external reference – to be sure that it’s ok. Doing this ingrains in us (during a time in our lives when we are totally dependent on those training us into this world view) not to question under penalty of penalty! Ours is not to ask questions – ours is to follow instructions; to seek outside of ourselves for the rules and what/how to proceed. In this way, we are trained to fit in to appropriate behaviour in a homogenized society.

We are also taught that there is only one. That means that the job is taken. That means that the best we will ever be is less than that one god. The deal is: serve and follow the direction, or die (emotionally/physically/spiritually).

Creating this notion of the ‘one god’ necessitates and demands personification. Doing so then teaches us to be amenable to following the direction of ‘one’ in ‘authority’. Without giving it this sense of a unique and powerful being, there is nothing for us to identify with. As much as we’re taught that this god is not like us, we make it so (personification) so that we can relate to it.

Like something put in motion eons ago, long forgotten by its originators and having simply become habit to all that followed, this intergenerational habit now has a life of its own. It just goes on and on and on….. most of it outside any kind of conscious thought or selection. A habit of one-god-and-it's-not-us'ness, overtaking us all.

What a massive charade! And yet, being willing and able to play in it seems essential to the world that we’ve created. Its entire unfolding rests on this relationship…on this recognition of the need to defer to an external, superior force whose underpinning is one simple thought: it is not us, it never will be us and we’re not up to it.

Perhaps it is the language of ‘godforce’ that terrifies everyone. Such nasty consequences if we dare to consider ourselves to be ‘godforce’. Test it for yourself: stand in front of a mirror, quiet the body and say out loud: “I am the godforce, expressing in a physical world.” Just notice what happens in your body, and in the ‘monkey-mind’ response that fires off. We’ve learned well. .

The thing that never ceases to amaze me is that the ‘fact’ that none of us is the godforce is so profoundly, relentlessly, deeply and rigorously ingrained that it is virtually impossible for us to question, or for any other possibility to even penetrate the thick crust of our conditioning; to recognize what indeed, lives inside us, making it impossible for us to wake up and see who we are. And so we drone on – and so do our lives.

From one conversation to the next; from one program to the next, I am profoundly saddened not only by the degree to which we have been pummeled into believing – absolutely and without question! – that we are small, puny, innately bad and helpless but also by the degree to which we refuse to consider anything else to be the essence of what we are!

We all have eyes with which to see. If I keep my eyes closed, I can still see. I see light and dark and shadow and movement. You, on the other hand, may choose to open your eyes. In doing so, not only do you have the option of seeing what I see, you also see so much more! You see detail and color; you see form and texture. You see density and immensity. We don’t discuss what we see, we argue about what there is to be seen. And yet, all I have to do is open my eyes. You cannot explain to me how to do that; nor can you do it for me. I must simply choose – and open my eyes.

Life changes quickly, dramatically and profoundly when we simply choose to open our eyes.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Addiction and surrender

I’ve been distracted lately…busily living my life….just letting thoughts drift in and out… waiting to be enticed by some compelling new insight that will draw me to the keyboard.

It seems that while I’m waiting, living happens. I find myself in another city, traveling with a very dear friend whose family member is struggling with ‘addiction’. We journey together to be there, trusting that doing so will in some small way quiet the fear – and the shaking and sweating and the nausea and the agitation that go with it.

We arrive late afternoon and talk, long into the night. I ponder the next day’s departure for a 21-day stay at a rehab centre, knowing in my heart that were we to have just three days together, none of it would be necessary. It is not about addiction – it’s about having to learn, all over again, what it is to be ourselves; what it is to know and live from the truth of our experience; and what it is to be willing to have who we are be enough.

I know 12-step. I spent years in 12-step programs. It’s not that going to the rehab centre with a 12-step approach is a bad thing – it’s not enough. Long ago, I wrote an article on my view of addiction, having lived it and learned so profoundly from it. I hold myself as one of the lucky ones: I discovered something else.

This brings me to the ‘god’ part - the part that presses the hardest to take a front row seat in the theatre of my attention.

We talk into the small hours and finally consider sleep as a possibility. Restlessness and the impending departure for rehab ensure that sleep does not come easily, no matter how deeply fatigued the body is. After a couple of hours, it’s time to get up and make our way through the dark, in the freezing rain and along the treacherous roads to our destination.

I sit in the back seat, listening to the conversation in the front. I feel tears and a heave in my chest as I think of this incredible godforce – oblivious to its own presence – about to be told to once more surrender. Surrender to a higher power. Surrender to the 12-steps. Surrender…to whatever it is that was thought to be the answer to this problem. I think to myself: how strange and sad that we are never encouraged to surrender to the truth of our own experience and allow IT to guide us.

And so, there sits another incredible godforce… in rehab… learning yet one more time how to NOT be the truth of his experience but to surrender the truth of that experience to yet another externally imposed framework.

In this moment, in the writing of it, it makes me weep. Yet another swan that thinks it’s just an ugly duck. Hope lies in the first day after the 21.

Breathing is good…..

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What difference can I make?

Yesterday, I watched a PBS show on China From the Inside – Women of the Country. Staggering numbers: 622 million women in China; highest suicide rate of women in the world; 150,000 women take their lives every year, with another 1.8 million doing their best but not succeeding in ending their lives.

As I watched, I thought about my life as a woman. I pondered who I am, how I live and what is meaningful to me in having created my world of life/work/play. I wondered: how does what I have created… how does my work and a WEL-Systems perspective and all that it has spawned… connect to any of this? How can the work that I do ever possibly…even remotely!.. make a difference for any of these women on the other side of the world and my world? And the answer came.

If I can, then maybe mine is simply to do and be when others cannot.

I have a voice. In my world, my life is not at risk if I speak my mind, ask for what I want and say ‘NO!’ to what I don’t. I do not live in fear of being harmed for having done so.

I have a platform. I can write, speak and facilitate. I can invite people to come together and share with them a model of the world that has been deeply meaningful to me and create the opportunity for them to consider it in their own lives.

I have the freedom to engage both. Other than the extent of my own self-imposed limitations, nothing prevents me from gathering people together to consider a radical new way of moving through the world, and nothing prevents me from making this way as public as I choose (writing, speaking, facilitating, etc.).

Perhaps the most potent notion for me from this show was a recognition that in far too many places in the world (including, potentially, the woman next door or living two blocks to the left), women are not able to speak or gather. Far too many women in the world must put their lives on the line in order for them to even question ‘what is’ or explore ‘what might become’. Far too many women in the world must be shrouded in too many ways (shroud the body, shroud the mind, shroud the spirit, shroud the voice), ensuring that they stay unseen and unheard… that they stay anonymous and homogenized… except by a select few who determine what meaning their voice may have.

In the world, there are women who can speak. I am one of them.

In my work, I connect with so many other women who have such vital and important things to say…to share…with other women and with the world. So many women who bring hope and encouragement and potential as a message to each other – and it is a highly contagious message, indeed! When I am willing to speak, I become the invitation for others to find that in themselves.

Why does this matter? Because I believe in the notion of a shift in critical mass of consciousness. I believe in the notion of the 100th monkey… in the idea of information/awareness/consciousness moving through a field and becoming accessible to all in the field. And because I do believe all these things, I believe that every voice matters and I wonder: how many voices will it take to reach critical mass?

So there it is - having a voice and using it, just because I can. Do I hold that as my obligation? ? Not really…I hold it as my gift to myself that I may always remember who I am. Does it make me responsible for the women (and/or men) of the world and their keeper? Not really…I hold it as an outpouring of the discoveries about myself on the holodeck of my experience. Why else would I have created such things in my life?

I wonder what would happen in the world if every woman who could speak from the truth of her experience chose to do so. It really isn't complicated.

Breathing is good….

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Gregg Braden, pole shifts and Emerging Futures

There is a future emerging that the vast majority of us are oblivious to. That we are so, does not mean that it is not happening and that it will not continue to unfold.

I recently received notice of an interview with Gregg Braden for Spirit of Maat. To find the whole story, go to http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/jan3/braden.htm#fn and read what Gregg has to say about the current and historical pole shifts and their implications.

For some of us, this is not news. ‘As above, so below” guides many of us in how we see and experience our world. As the planet (Gaia) is a living, organic system, so is each of us a living, organic system that forms a much larger collective (human beings on the planet) that is in itself a living, organic system. From a WEL-Systems perspective, any living organic system is affected by each individual system experiencing a shift which is then reflected at the level of the larger collective. We do not change a collective – we change ourselves and the collective of which we are a part, reflects that.

As I read the interview, here is what came to mind. I am a quantum biological being. My physical body is not who I am; it is an expression in time/space that allows the signal of who I am to be expressed within the confines of a physical universe. The most powerful, transformative exploration that I have ever undertaken is the one that has shown me that WHAT I am is not what I have been taught to believe.

My body is an incredibly powerful quantum biological, organic receiver/processor/transmitter. Like your TV is capable of plucking channel 12 out of the ‘ether’ and converting that invisible signal to pictures and sounds on your television screen, so is my body able to pluck the signal of who I am out of the myriad signals that surround me and convert that signal to the physical expression of ‘me’ in this world: how I look/sound/feel; what I think; what I say, how I move through the world, etc.

When you decide to sit and watch channel 12, you don’t involve your intellect in the process of calling up the signal that is channel 12 and converting it to its corresponding pictures and sounds. You let the TV do that for you. You just wait and watch– and you stay out of the way.

Why is it that we think we must involve our intellects in having the unique signal that we are, be expressed in a physical world? What I have learned is that when I can finally just let my body do the work; when I can just let go, focus my attention on staying relaxed so that my body can handle the rest, my life is a miracle!

‘Consciousness’ is a nominalization. And as with any nominalization, you can’t put a pound of ‘consciousness’ in the trunk of your car. But you can put my body in the trunk of your car.

What if the body is indeed, the key? But more than that, what if the key that it is does not require any involvement of the intellect and is actually disadvantaged by doing so? What if the body – yours and mine – IS the device and THE ONLY DEVICE that knows exactly what to do with massive shifts in flow of ‘energy’ or ‘information’ that is beyond the realm of how we live? What if the body is the device that will access, manage and transform flow of energy (pole shift) in such a way that we become MORE as a result of it? What if the physical body IS the interface between the energetic and the physical, and not only does it not require that our thinking/knowing/choosing intellect be involved at all but worse, it only slows things down and skews them when it does?

My instincts tell me that pole shifts are an essential expression of the survival of the planet itself. Pole shifts are like the planet breathing in…and breathing out. The time between them is like the time between breaths. It may well be that even the breathing pattern of the planet is shifting, and we’re going to be here to experience it.

I sat in the Dr’s office this morning with my 81-year-old mother, talking about Gregg Braden’s interview. She is a vital, vibrant, dynamic and compelling woman. Her age has nothing to do with any of it. Her mind was open to considering that as the energy (also a nominalization) shifts; her body will take care of it if she allows it to do so. But like for so many, in varying situations, we have been taught that when our bodies do things that are different from what they were doing before, we think there is something wrong and we make every effort to stop what’s happening. It may well be that what we’re interfering with is that something is going ‘right’ and we’re stopping it. Maybe there is something right – and as we learn to trust our body and follow its lead, we discover how to relax into a new way of being.

I believe that the pole shift is that invitation to a new way of being. We can go with it, or not. Either way, it’s up to each of us to discover what is meaningful to us. I choose to let my body lead and see where it goes.

Breathing is good…..

Sunday, January 07, 2007

If I ruled the world

Nick had a rough night. He’s 20 and had his first experience with being helpless, despite his strength, courage, integrity and willingness to assist. Even with almost two years of security work behind him, he was not prepared (can we ever be?) for his first experience of standing in the midst of the physical, emotional and spiritual stench of poverty, ignorance, violence, alcohol/drugs and its resulting conclusion of despair. When he told me about it, we both shook inside and out…tears just at the surface, pressing hard to be released. And so they flowed.

As I listened to him, I knew only too well that sense of powerlessness in my own body. No matter how willing I have been, no matter how well-informed and armed with the ‘evidence’ of results that are possible, there have been times in my experiences with others over the last 20+ plus years when I have had to simply let go and acknowledge in that moment that I was indeed, powerless. It’s one thing to do it with adults who are choosing for themselves – it’s quite another when there are children involved who, I believe, are the real victims of the insanity we create in our own lives. If I choose to surrender my own life to habit and ignorance, I am at least choosing. Children always have someone else doing the choosing for them.

I listened. I felt. I breathed. I cried. And it all left me with the thought that if I were in charge of the world…..

* No child would ever be harmed – physically or emotionally. No yanking, pulling, shoving, grabbing. No ‘spanking’ – which is nothing more than an adult using his/her body mass to bully a much smaller being into a desired behaviour. No screaming. No name calling. We seem to forget – these children ARE our future. What we create now in our way of being with them, we will be at the mercy of in the not-so-distant future.

One thing that stuck me about what Nick noticed is that he was very clear: there were two small children in that room, but there was no one in their bodies. They were ‘there’ but not there at the same time. Astute. And it is an experience that can be palpable. In this instance, the neglect and abuse was such that the intensity of the disconnect was powerfully evident. Chaos all around – and yet riveted to the TV, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. Our children learn early how to remove themselves from places and experiences from which there is no escape.

* No parent would ever be so deprived of a connection to themselves that they would be able to do harm. When we lose our innocence, we become lost. When it is taken from us through violence and brutality, we become both willing and able to do harm. Our lives without that sense of wonder at the magic of our own experience, is so painful we wreak vengeance on life itself, in punishment for such a cruel trick. Parents disconnected from their own innocence are dangerous to the innocence of children – theirs and everyone else’s.

Nick was very aware of the misery of the woman who seemed to be the mother. Drunk and/or stoned, surrounded by empty cupboards, decaying garbage and food on plates piled high from one end to another; a fridge stocked with stray ice cubes and nothing else; whimpering from having just been assaulted, her life was not to be envied. One child lay crying on a mattress on the floor, soaked in his own urine and feces while another sat motionless on the floor, surrounded by garbage – including open bottles of toxic chemicals. Her story about the open bottle of Javex in the toddler’s bedroom was that she needed it to wash down the walls. You have to ask yourself: what’s on the walls?

* No man would have the willingness or the ability to be violent; to use body mass to control and/or denigrate another living being. Not all men are violent – and far too many are. We can dance around that one and argue about statistics and how there are women who assault their children and other people – and to me, that conversation is a red herring that only serves to protect the status quo. Far more men than women are violent. That’s a fact. Around the globe, far more men than women use brute force… terror and brutality… to make their way through the world.

It’s the chicken and the egg situation. Which comes first - violent men or non-violent little boys taught how to find the violence inside themselves? I do not believe that violence and aggression are innate to being male. I believe that like anything else, we become what we live. And violence is an acquired skill. Does that mean that there are not times when I believe that a violent reaction would be instinctive? Not at all – and a violent reaction is not the same as engaging violence as a way of moving through the world to leverage a desired result.

And so, my conversation with Nick continues. I make a difference in my own life where and when I can. I choose to make a difference in the lives of others when it is invited and/or welcomed, where and when I can. And then there are the children. How long do we…do I…do nothing because they are not my children? How long do we seek to find ways to heal the wounds of the child rather than stop the wounding? To stop the wounding, we would have to find a way to stop the men. Are we ready for that? Are we willing to engage that one? I, for one, am not sure. To proceed, we – all of us.. men and women – would have to acknowledge that we have a much larger problem than we are willing to name.

For now, I continue to stay with my own internal struggle of how I see my world. I continue to stay in conversation with Nick and in conversation with myself, through writing these thoughts. I continue to be unwilling to NOT see the compassion, caring and kindness of the men I know (and the ones I don’t); and I continue to be unwilling to NOT see the violence that men are capable of. What I continue to wonder is: what makes it possible? Have we brutalized our sons for so long and to such an extent that they can no longer find themselves? I don’t know – and it frightens me.

This I do know for sure: ignoring it or making 'nice' with it is allowing a future to emerge that will not likely sustain us.

Breathing is good….

Friday, January 05, 2007

Popping the cork on potential

I read Anne’s blog entry for today and did so with sheer delight!

I’ve had the good fortune to spend time with Anne along her journey of Self-discovery. During the women’s writing retreat (Whispers from Within), Anne discovered how much she had to say and how beautifully and powerfully she could say it. Today, as I read her blog entry, I laughed out loud at her emerging genius.

Having discovered the power of her own voice; and having chosen to name it and claim it for herself as part of her identity (I am writer); she was surprised by her desire to draw. Several thoughts burst to mind, at the same time.

Anne has popped the cork on her own potential! Given that we’re raised to believe that we have A talent (i.e. one gift, if we’re lucky) and that once discovered, we need to milk it for all its worth, while it lasts….Anne has discovered that in allowing herself to discover and claim the power of her truth, it has opened something up for her to experience ‘more’! More is good…

Who knows how many gifts Anne (or I or anyone else) might have? Who knows where trusting the presence of one and allowing it to flow, will take us? Who knows what it all means and what it’s all good for? Perhaps what really matters is that we’re ALIVE to it all! And, because of that enlivened experience, we become willing to trust it and – voila! – the future emerges.

My guess is that in this moment of Anne’s emerging future, she has no idea where it will take her. Neither do I. But I do know that as she engages it and becomes more willing and able to trust it, her life will be magical! And I know that as a witness to it all, my life will somehow become ‘more’. That’s the beauty of life – it’s contagious.

Emerging futures are the delightful, totally ‘impractical and unreasonable’ treats that, as adults, we have deprived ourselves of for far too long. I, for one, hope that Anne will continue to allow herself to be found by her own genius. Her willingness to do so is a reminder to me to do the same.

Breathing is good….

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Higher order events

Sometimes, it just looks to me like things are falling apart.

How it starts seems to be connected in some way to the degree to which I believe I need to know. The greater my need to know, the more I find myself swamped in accurate but nonetheless essentially useless details. I know a lot – but I haven’t a clue about what’s meaningful.

In this moment, that’s where I am. I know that as strange as it may appear to anyone outside of me, my confusion and my uncertainty; my tendency to change my mind on a dime and my capacity to forget all the things that are not meaningful – even though they may be important or relevant to someone else – are all part of the way I find myself again.

A jumble of things inside me. Every now and then, one of them will pop to the surface so that I can get a good look at it. This event leaves me considering that maybe – just maybe – that’s ‘the one’. And before I take another breath, it’s gone again, sinking back into the murky muddle of murmurs and mumblings that are just below my collar bone. My ‘head’ is calm; my body is even calm but somewhere at a deeper level of mind, there is great activity taking place. Perhaps what I am ‘feeling’ are the rumblings in the field.

In a world that demands answers, all I have is a long list of muddled and intermingling interests. Many of them don’t seem at all connected to anything else. And even those things that stand comfortably alone seem to fade in and out of my awareness. They seem critical to me in one moment and then….poof!...just like that, they’re gone! They have faded into the background. Makes me crazy!

And then it occurs to me: maybe being ‘crazy’ is what it takes to disengage from the status quo. Or, at least, that’s what is often thought of those who do not live by the rules of the culture. Maybe seeming ‘different’ to others; appearing to not quite have all the ducks lined up, is what is required in order to make a leap instead of incremental change. For sure, from inside me (where I live), no matter how much my head tells me otherwise, my body won’t let me engage. Not until it’s time.

And that’s the tough part. Doing nothing. Letting go. Just what does it take to trust that – no matter what?

Breathing is good…

Monday, January 01, 2007

Testing the Theory: Accelerated Evolution through Expanded Consciousness

Big words. Complex and maybe not complicated.

The way I see it:

* Evolution, consciousness….both are nominalizations. The experience of these things – our ability to LIVE them and not just talk about them and philosophize about them - depends on the body, since the only place where experience can take place is in the body.

* Trying to achieve these ‘experiences’ through the vehicles of the intellect, knowledge and understanding will indeed, leave us with random access to accidental moments, and be both slow and most frequently without the results we so passionately desire.

* ‘Expansion’ requires Space to unfold into – and the first essential space required is in the limitations imposed by our own historical thinking. As Mark Twain would say: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” What we know for sure is that in order for us to get where we want to go, we need to have knowledge and understanding. We may well be dead wrong about that.

* The body is the key. Surrendering the intellect to the body; allowing the body to lead; focusing our attention not on what we are trying to achieve but on keeping the body relaxed, trusting that it knows how to take us to our destination. That’s a tough one! How will we ever get over ourselves if we discover that all the fuss…all that effort we’ve invested in knowing and understanding and being in control have actually been counter productive? The best thing I can say about that is…another lesson learned.

* The paradox is that to accelerate our evolution we must actually slow down…let go…surrender. Slow down long enough for our attention and our body to be in the same place, at the same time; for us to be fully present and in the ‘now’ of an experience, long enough for us to notice what is actually occurring in the body. In order for us to have our attention occupy the physical body, we must slow down. Otherwise, our attention drifts on the outside of the body, either surrounding it or directly above it, and we miss all the directions/cues that the body invites us to consider.

I’m beginning to tire of the sound of my own voice, saying these things out loud, in print and in conversations. Over and over again, year after year. Such desperation for so many seeking to transform their lives. So many seeking to eliminate illness; let go of misery; create lives that are personally meaningful and worth the effort of living them. And yet, even in that desperation, such a great resistance to considering that it may not be about understanding and figuring anyting out. The fear is palpable when they begin to realize that what they already know how to do and are good at will not serve them in getting to where they want to go. It would seem that our mind-numbing cultural conditioning has made it practically impossible for most of us to even remotely consider that maybe – just maybe! – our precious intellects are not the key and may even be part of what hinders success. That is indeed, a tough one. Our greatest challenge is getting out of our own way.

I still remember the conversation between Peter Russell and Marilyn Schlitz at the IONS conference in Palm Springs a few years ago, when they were asked what their focus would be for the coming decade. Of the three things they said, two screamed out: First, to find a way to accelerate the evolution of consciousness; and second, to discover how to make it more accessible for vast numbers of people rather than the relatively few who invest themselves in the study of such things. In an instant, it occurred to me: the one thing that every human being has is a body (as the vehicle for mass access). If every single one of us were to discover that the body IS the gateway, we would indeed be living that the truth would have set us free. With this device of a quantum biological/organic processor, information/energy is processed as speeds that defy even understanding by the intellect. The difference between processing information directly through the body (digesting or metabolizing, which leads to tissue transformation) and processing it through the intellect (trying to figure stuff out, understand, etc) is processing speed!

2007 is going to be the year of testing the limits. Not just in conversation and in writing and speaking, but also in ENGAGING the tough stuff, for results. I continue to believe that all things are possible; that the body is the key; and that discovering how to relax into the body and surrender to its genius will access and accelerate the healing response. 2007 will be the year of applying all that I trust and believe in to the really difficult situations: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc, and other things considered incurable in an allopathic medical model.

I am eager to begin this journey of my own evolution.

Breathing is good…..